Sunday, May 20, 2007

One month anniversary!!

Today is the one month anniversary of our log in date!

Lily is emphasizing the fact with this picture. We were all so excited to make the April cut off. Many of you may not know but China is changing its regulations for adoptive families beginning May 1. It was very important to us to have our paperwork in before this date so there would be no question as to whether or not we would be approved. In true Margaret procrastination fashion, we slid in there with just days to spare. It literally took an "Act of Congress" as we had to get our congressman's office involved to expedite the last piece of paperwork needed for our dossier. They were great and we owe them so much!!
Lily and I spent the day celebrating this speical anniversary. We stayed in our pajamas until noon while we played all morning. This afternoon we went to the playground at church where she climbed, slid and ran to her hearts content. She is quite agile and not scared of much. She is also very into her pony tails these days. The bows of course are my idea!
We are just so glad to have one month of the wait done, finished and over with. Now, the next seventeen unless the timelines change. I am praying they get shorter. Wes kind of likes where they are now because it makes it more likely that he will get to go with us to China. I think most of you know that he is going back to school and his nursing program is a 2 year program. So for him, the wait is better. I just can't imagine waiting 2 years when we want Becky home now.
Things worked out with Lily to where we got the child that was meant for our family at the perfect time. We will just keep praying that everything falls into place again. One whole month...WooHoo!!