Graeme and I traveled to Louisville with my friend Becky to see the surgeon for Graeme's follow up. He is doing really well and the surgeon is pleased with the way he is healing. He plans to watch the fistulas and we will see him in 6 months. If they do not close, Graeme will have an outpatient surgery to repair them. We go back in May to see how things are going. I asked Dr. Chariker if we needed to do anything in the meantime and he advised me to "Stop looking in Graeme's mouth.".....easier said than done! We also talked about future surgeries and needs. It is all a little overwhleming but we will take it one step at a time. For now, he is on a soft diet for a few more weeks and will still sleep in his No-Nos to prevent him from stuffing his shirt in his mouth. Graeme was his typical charming self. He did great in the car for the 4 hours there and the 4 hours back. We are hoping he will do well for 12 hours tomorrow.
Tomorrow morning, Lily, Graeme and I are heading to Louisiana to see Papa Jim. He is still in the hosptial and having lots of difficulty. He has pulminary fibrosis which makes it really difficult to breathe. He requires high levels of oxygen around the clock and really struggles to breathe with the least exertion. I just feel the need to be home to support my Mom and to see Jim who we love so much. Thanks to everyone for all your prayers and support. We are so blessed to have so many friends including my blogging friends! Thank you all!
President's Day Weekend Feb. 2025
5 days ago
I have been Praying for Papa Jim. I am glad Graeme had a good appointment. I hope you have a safe trip and find Papa Jim in better condition.
Happy to hear Graeme's appointment went well. Good luck on the long trip, I am sure your family will be glad to have you there.
Take Care, Cora
Thankful that Graeme's appointment went well. Praying for your long travels tomorrow.
Judging by Papa Jim's photographs he is a very special man. His smiles are absolutely infectious. Lifting him up to the Lord for healing.
Thinking of you friend, be safe. May the Lord give you peace as you go.
Such good news about Graeme's appt!! I've been keeping Papa Jim in my thoughts. I hope he makes a good recovery. He looks like a wonderful man!!
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss.
As for Graeme, how come he has to stay in the no-nos for so long? Is it because of the fistulas?
QQ is a little Houdini (and double-jointed to boot) and has been escaping from hers during the night for a week now. Today is her last day in them. She has no fistulas so far, and is healing well. I hope she continues to do so!
Wishing the best for Graeme and his continued recovery!
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