Just as it was on our last trip, it is hard to leave China. We are all missing home and all of our family and friends and can't wait to get there. At the same time, we leave China and it is emotional. Both of our children were born here and it is their country of birth and very special in our hearts. It is so different from our life in the states and yet we whole heartedly embrace the people and the culture. We want to experience life here so that when they are older and when they ask, we can try our best with our Western minds to describe their Eastern homeland. I hope that we can do China justice when this time comes. I think this trip has really helped Lily understand her adoption alot more and I know that we will have many interesting conversations in the weeks to come. Graeme has changed so much from the first day we received him until now. He is no longer the quiet little one who sits wherever you put him until you move him. He is rowdy and mischievous and curious and oh so cute. We are so blessed to have both Lily and Graeme and we thank God each and every day for our little Miracles. So keep us in mind over the next 30+ hours as we travel home. I am sure I will cry as we leave China as this country holds so much of our heart and yet I know I will rejoice to be heading home to all that is familiar and loving.
President's Day Weekend Feb. 2025
5 days ago
Safe Journey and Welcome Home!!!
Have a safe journey home!
catch you on the flip side! can't wait to see your 'home' photos : )
Hi Margaret!
I'm a Xiushan Momma and I've been following along on your trip to your sweet boy! Congratulations and have a safe trip home!
Take care,
Holly M.:)
Miracle Family~
Praying for safe and sane travels. I'll be waiting to see that your sweet boy is Home Sweet Home!
We might just pass in mid-air -- if you see a huge NW 747 going in the opposite direction, give a wave!
It was so much fun following your journey. You have a beautiful family!
Have a wonderful and safe trip back to America!
I'm sure that once when Graeme lands and discover that he's in a totally different world, he will be very puzzled! Take a picture while he's having that moment! =D
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